SEE VULNHUB ~ http://vulnhub.com
I've been slowly collecting various other 'Vulnerable by Design' programs. Below is a summary of what's new. The updated complete list can be found here: https://blog.g0tmi1k.com/2011/03/vulnerable-by-design/.
- 'Complete' Operating Systems
- [NEW] Hackademic (Box 1, Box 2)
- [NEW] NcN 2011 [
Download] (Mirror)] - [NEW] vulnimage.zip
- (Offline) Web Based
- [Updated] BodgeIT
- [NEW] OWASP Hackademic Challenges Project
- [NEW] OWASP Insecure Web App Project
- [NEW] PuzzleMall
- [Updated] SecuriBench
- [NEW] PuzzleMall
- [NEW] The Butterfly
- (Online) Web Based
- [NEW] PCTechTips - pwn3d the login form.
hxxp://pctechtips.org/hacker-challenge-pwn3d-the-login-form/ - [NEW] XSSMe
- [NEW] XSS Me!
- [NEW] Can You XSS This?
- [NEW] Test x5s
- [NEW] XSS Progphp
- [NEW] XSS Quiz
- [NEW] WarGames (Web Based)
- Forensic
- [NEW] SecuraLabs Challenge (#1, #2)
- [NEW] Mobile Platforms
- [NEW] Capture The Flag Competitions
- [Updated] Other collections & lists