This video demonstrates an attack on the TikiWiki service on the metasploitable hackable box.
"Metasploitable is an Ubuntu 8.04 server install on a VMWare 6.5 image. A number of vulnerable packages are included, including an install of tomcat 5.5 (with weak credentials), distcc, tikiwiki, twiki, and an older mysql." -
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Download (debian_ssh_rsa_2048_x86.tar.bz2): *Coming soon*
- Use Nmap to scan the network (gathering information)
- Use Nmap to do a more detailed scan of the target (gathering information)
- Use Metasploit to discover the database details (gaining access)
- [*] Can also use an exploit (gaining access)
- Search the database from the account information (gathering information and gaining access)
- [*] Use a web based backdoor to create shell access (remote access)
- Automate shell access via Metasploit (remote access)
- I cheated a little bit here as I had used nessus in a previous scan to discover "Debian OpenSSH/OpenSSL Package Random Number Generator Weakness"
- Via the payload it is possible to capture the SSH Key and compare it against the weak keys Just like pWnOS (escalating privileges)
- Connect via SSH as root (complete access)
- Prove complete access by cracking the shadow file with John The Ripper (then prove it by connecting via SSH using one of the newly acquired accounts)
- Nmap - on Backtrack 4 (Final)
- Metasploit - on Backtrack 4 (Final)
- DirBuster v0.12 - on Backtrack 4 (Final)
- SSH - on Backtrack 4 (Final)
- NetCat - on Backtrack 4 (Final)
- php-reverse-shell v1.0 -
- Weak SSH Keys (debian_ssh_rsa_2048_x86.tar.bz2) -Coming soon
- Metasploitable.vmdk (SHA-1: 7DF98130DAC3167690209716EBF86047C6B9672F)
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Song: Orbital - Halcyon and On and On
Video length: 8:11
Capture length: 21:34
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